Category: Major Issues

Governor Calls for Enhanced Enforcement
For the first time in weeks, Connecticut’s rate of Covid-19 infections has inched up slightly to 1.2% from about .08%, while outbreaks at universities are still below 1%, according to Governor Lamont. While the flare ups have been relatively minor, Lamont said he is enhancing enforcement for those who violate rules requiring masks and limiting …
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Covid rate infections
For the first time in weeks, Connecticut’s rate of Covid-19 infections has inched up slightly to 1.2% from about .08%, while outbreaks at universities are still below 1%, according to Governor Lamont. While the flare ups have been relatively minor, Lamont said he is enhancing enforcement for those who violate rules requiring masks and limiting …
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Governor Announces Expanded Phase 3 Reopening Plans
Governor Ned Lamont today unveiled the state’s plan for expanded Phase 3 reopening, effective October 8th, continuing a cautious, phase-in approach to limit the spread of the coronavirus. The plan will ease some of the restrictions that were put into place on businesses and private, social and recreational gatherings. Business changes in Phase 3 will …
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COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting Health and Human Services
This report provides brief summaries of the governor’s COVID-19 executive orders concerning health and human services. The report includes all related executive orders since the governor’s March 10, 2020, declaration of public health and civil preparedness emergencies, through May 14, 2020. To learn more, click here.
COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting Education and Child Care
This report provides brief summaries of the governor’s COVID-19 executive orders concerning state and local government operations and elections. The report includes all related executive orders since the governor’s March 10, 2020, declaration of public health and civil preparedness emergencies, through May 13, 2020. To learn more, click here.
COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting State and Local Government Operations and Elections
This report provides brief summaries of the governor’s COVID-19 executive orders concerning state and local government operations and elections. The report includes all related executive orders since the governor’s March 10, 2020, declaration of public health and civil preparedness emergencies, through May 13, 2020. To learn more, click here
COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting Business, Labor, and Housing
This report provides brief summaries of the governor’s COVID-19 executive orders concerning business, labor, and housing. The report includes all related executive orders since the governor’s March 10, 2020, declaration of public health and civil preparedness emergencies, through May 14, 2020. To learn more, click here.
Updated Workplace Rules Require Face Masks, Coverings in Essential Workplaces
Effective Monday, April 20th at 8 p.m., essential employers as well as their employees and customers are required to wear facemasks or cloth face coverings in the workplace or on job sites pursuant to Executive Order 7-BB issued by Governor Lamont on Friday. Some exceptions are made for those with medical conditions. Under the updated …
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Governors Form Regional Pact to Plan Coordinated Reopening of Business
The Governors of Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware today made a regional pact via teleconference to begin developing a coordinated, consistent plan for safely and strategically reactivating the area’s economy. Massachusetts joined the partnership this afternoon. While the call did not reveal any potential outline of a plan or a …
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