Following is a representative, alphabetized list of Gaffney, Bennett and Associates’ clients.
Gaffney, Bennett & Associates’ 2023-24 Client List
- 3M
- Advanced Behavioral Health
- American Massage Therapists Association
- Association of Surgical Technologists
- AT&T
- Bank of America
- Bay State Wind
- Binti
- Boys & Girls Village
- City of New Britain
- City of Stamford
- Clay Lacy Aviation
- CliftonLarsonAllen (Blum Shapiro & Co.)
- Cloud10smartwash
- Community Mental Health Affiliates
- ConnectiCare, Inc.
- CT Assisted Living Assoc.
- CT Assoc. of Performing Arts (Shubert Theater)
- CT Assoc. of Prosecutors
- CT Auto Recyclers Association
- CT Bankers Association
- CT Charter School Network
- CT Children’s Medical Center
- CT Coalition for Achievement Now
- CT Coalition of Taft Hartley Health Funds
- CT Food Association
- CT Franchisee Association
- CT Home Builders & Remodelers Association
- CT Institute for Communities
- CT Institute for the Blind (Oak Hill)
- CT Mortgage Bankers
- CT Railroad Association
- CT Trial Lawyers Association
- CT Water Service, Inc.
- Curaleaf LLC
- DoorDash
- Easter Seals Capitol Region and Eastern CT
- Energy Systems Group
- Eversource
- Fuel Cell Energy
- Gateway Terminal
- Governor’s Prevention Partnership
- Hartford HealthCare Corporation
- Hill-Stead Museum
- Iroquois Pipeline Operating Company
- Jewish Senior Services
- Joseph C. Sansone Company
- Linde Inc. (Praxair)
- Manafort
- Maximus
- McDonald’s Corporation
- Murphy Road LLC
- Mystic Seaport Museum
- Nassau Companies (Phoenix)
- New Britain EMS
- New Britain Museum of American Art
- Norwich Public Utilities
- Novartis
- Operating Engineers Union – Local 478
- Palace Theater
- PepsiCo
- Procter & Gamble
- Protech Solutions
- Purdue Pharma
- Roca Inc.
- Seligson Properties
- Service Corp International
- South Central CT Regional Water
- Stamford Theater (Stamford Center for the Arts)
- The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum
- Tilcon Inc.
- Transportation General
- TruGreen
- United Rental
- Voyce
- Wal-Mart
- Webster Bank
- Winn Development Corp.
- Workforce Partners
- World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.